EMG (Nerve Conduction Testing)

  • The consultation begins with the physician completing a history and physical examination.
  • Following this, the nerve test begins with you comfortably laying down on the exam bed.
  • Stickers (electrodes) are placed on the skin of your arms or legs to record test information.
  • Pen marks are then made to areas where the nerve will be stimulated by a probe.
  • The probe is then placed on these markings and a small stimulation is given to obtain a recording.
  • The stimulation will feel like a momentary buzz or tingle when a button is pressed.
  • The stimulation is started at small increments so the patient can get used to the feeling, and then slowly increased to obtain an adequate recording.  Generally it is very tolerable.
  • You may sometimes feel as if your muscles are jumping.  This is normal.
  • The information we obtain on our computer tells us if there is an issue with the nerve and/or muscle.
  • On occasion, a secondary part of the test may be required, where a very fine needle is used to look for further muscle/nerve issues – but this is only required if deemed necessary by the physician.