What is the referral process?
- Referrals can be made by fax
- You can download our referral forms at bottom of this page
- Referring practitioners MUST have a referring Prac ID #.
- Referrals will be accepted from: physicians, nurse practitioners, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and chiropractors. Please include a short letter and/or referral form.
- Once we receive your referral, you will receive a letter from us about 1-2 weeks later that confirms your patient’s estimated wait time for an appointment.
- Our clinic will then directly notify your patient about 1 month before with their scheduled appointment.
What communication can you expect?
A consultation letter will be sent to you within 1-2 weeks, detailing the assessment, diagnosis, and management plan for the patient. Any need for follow-up will be made clear to you.
Is there a cost for our services?
All consultations and follow-up assessments at Kinesis are publicly funded through Alberta Health. There is no cost to the patient.
Downloadable referral forms